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Award Winners for 2013 Announced

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The National High School Sports Publication Awards proudly acknowledges the following award winners for 2013:

Private School Awards

Student Enrollment:    1-500
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    Return to Glory
Awarded to:    Jeff Walrich and Kristy Booher
Athletic Director and Associate Athletic Director
Gilmour Academy
Gate Mills, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1-500
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Eastside Catholic Baseball Program
Awarded to:    Cindy Peschel-Hull and Marsha Malsam
Sports Day Media
Eastside Catholic High School
Seattle, WA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    2013 Bergen Catholic Football Media Guide
Awarded to:    Dan Long
Sports Information Director
Bergen Catholic High School
Oradell, NJ
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Kennedy Catholic All Fall Sports Program
Awarded to:    Bob Bourgette Athletic Director & Kennedy Catholic Boosters
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School & Sports Day Media

Burien, WA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Professional
Entry:    St. Thomas High School Eagles’ Pride – Houston, TX
Awarded to:    Luke McDonald
LMP Publishing, LLC
St. Thomas High School
Norman, OK
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Professional
Entry:    Bishop Blanchet Football Program
Awarded to:    Eva M. Kubinsky
Bishop Blanchet Football and Sports Day Media
Bishop Blanchet High School
Seattle, WA
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Students
Entry:    Saint Ignatius 2013 Football Media Guide
Awarded to:    Jeff McCormick
St. Ignatius High School
Cleveland, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    2013 Jesuit High School Football Yearbook
Awarded to:    David Moreau
Athletic Director
Jesuit High School
New Orleans, LA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Xavier College Prep Volleyball Program
Awarded to:    Sister Lynn Winsor
Athletic Director
Xavier College Preparatory
Phoenix, AZ
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Xavier College Prep Basketball Program
Awarded to:    Sister Lynn Winsor
Athletic Director
Xavier College Preparatory
Phoenix, AZ
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Professionals
Entry:    2013 IHSA Boys Swimming & Diving State Final Program
Awarded to:    Jackie Iverson and Ms. Kathy Topp
Desktop Publishing
Illinois High School Association
Bloomington, IL
Award:    Gold

Public School Awards

Student Enrollment:    1-500
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    WHS Fall Sports Program
Awarded to:    Jeff Hendershott
Athletic Director
Wellston High School
Wellston, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1-500
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    2013 Football Souvenir Program
Awarded to:    Melissa Weaks
Union City High School
Union City, TN
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-599
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    Run As One – Boyd County Basketball 2013-2014
Awarded to:    Suzanne Griffith
Boyd County Public Schools Teacher
Boyd County High School
Ashland, KY
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Supporters/Fans
Entry:    Clarion Football “Brotherhood”
Awarded to:    Bri Nellis
Clarion Area Jr. & Sr. High School
Clarion, PA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Supporters/Fans
Entry:    Clarion Area High School Football History and Record Digest
Awarded to:    David McClaine
Clarion Area Jr. & Sr. High School
Clarion, PA
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    Newton High School Athletics Winter Program
Awarded to:    Scott Garvis
Director of Athletics
Newton High School
Newton, IA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    501-999
Prepared by:    Professionals
Entry:    Waynesfield-Goshen Sports Program
Awarded to:    Kerri Motter
Motteriffic Creations
Waynesfield-Goshen Schools
Waynesfield, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Professionals
Entry:    Allen East Sports Program
Awarded to:    Kerri Motter
Motteriffic Creations
Allen East High School
Waynesfield, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Supporters/Fans
Entry:    Fall Sports and Activities Program
Awarded to:    David Palmer, CAA
Director of Athletics
Troy High School
Troy, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Supporters/Fans
Entry:    Indian Nation – Honoring Piqua’s Football Coaches
Awarded to:    Chip Hare
Piqua High School
Piqua, OH
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    1,000-1,500
Prepared by:    Supporters/Fans
Entry:    2013 Terra Nova Media Guide
Awarded to:    Constantine Georges
Founder/Chief Photographer
Terra Nova High School
Daly City, CA
Award:    Bronze

Student Enrollment:    1,501-1,999
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    Miamisburg High School Winter Sports Program
Awarded to:    Jason Osborne
Athletic Director
Miamisburg High School
Miamisburg, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,501-1,999
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Walled Lake Western Football Program
Awarded to:    Walled Lake Western Football Boosters
Walled Lake Western High School
Walled Lake, MI
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    1,501-1,999
Prepared by:    Alumni
Entry:    The Bulldog
Awarded to:    Dave Stevenson
Canton McKinley High School
Canton, OH
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Teachers/Staff
Entry:    Alex Spanos All Star Football Classic
Awarded to:    Charles Spindle and Bob Sulivan
President and Publication Manager
High School Sports Association of San Diego
San Diego, CA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    2014 Mira Costa Baseball Program
Awarded to:    Cassidy Olson
Varsity Head Coach
Mira Costa High School
Manhattan Beach, CA
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Deer Park Football 212*
Awarded to:    DeDe Massey
Program Assistant
Deer Park High School
Deer Park, TX
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Cinco Ranch High School – Sports Program
Awarded to:    Craig Moseley, Jennifer Young, Sue LaPrade, Katie Klingler, Don Clayton
Cinco Ranch High School
Katy, TX
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Shen Hockey Media Guide 2013-2014
Awarded to:    Juan de la Rocha
Head Coach
Shenendehowa High School
Clifton Park, NY
Award:    Bronze

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Stallion Sports Fall Program Homecoming Edition
Awarded to:    Liz Mullany
SCHS Athletic Booster Club
South County High School
Lorton, VA
Award:    Merit

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    Shaker/Colonie Varsity Ice Hockey Program
Awarded to:    Sharon Caruso
Shaker/Colonie High School
Latham, NY
Award:    Merit

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Alumni
Entry:    The Rivalry Continues
Awarded to:    Don Stowe
Page High School
Greensboro, NC
Award:    Gold

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Alumni
Entry:    2013 Homecoming
Awarded to:    Don Stowe
Page High School
Greensboro, NC
Award:    Silver

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Alumni
Entry:    Page Pirates vs Smith Eagles
Awarded to:    Don Stowe
Page High School
Greensboro, NC
Award:    Bronze

Student Enrollment:    Over 2,000
Prepared by:    Parents
Entry:    CLHS Falcons Football Program 2013 Game Day Program
Awarded to:    Kristi Snow and Ms Marie Sharp
Program Chair and Sharp Shots Photography
Clear Lake High School
Houston, TX
Award:    Grand Award

Additional information may be found at the NHSSPA website, including the Entry Form for the upcoming 8th Annual Competition. The deadline for entries is March 15, 2015